“As Far as the Stars Night Hike”Saturday, November 20&21, 2021
Location: York River State Park Date/Time: November 20th, 5-6:30PM (FULL) November 21st, 5-6:30PM (FULL) Cost: Free/ must RSVP as we are limited in number of attendees Theme: Forest animals use all of their senses at night while people gaze up into the night time sky! Goals: -To introduce participants to forest life at night -To introduce participants how nocturnal animal senses are more heightened than ours -To decrease nocturnal fears -To learn about the night time celestial objects Objectives: By the end of the program, participants will... be able to name four animals that can be heard or seen at night, and be able to use senses other than sight to determine the identity of an object. Be aware of and name one star constellation and one planet. Additional Information
******Sold Out************* Point of Contact: Susan Harmon |
EVENT LOCATIONYork River State Park
9801 York River Park Rd Williamsburg, Virginia |